
Calligraphy by Lorelei Chang
Canvas 8x8

In life, everything changes constantly. The only thing that doesn't change is the change. How we learn to adapt to the changes in life, is a lifetime cultivation. Transformation happens when we overcome our challenges, fears and crisis.

Metamorphosis, on the top of the character, it has two "silk" characters on either side of the middle character "word/language", which indicates that the transformation takes a long time to cultivate ever since the language was born. This refined material of silk is beautiful and smooth, it takes extra effort to make. It also implies that transformation starts from how we express our thoughts, speak our truth. The bottom of the character looks like a person take a large step, "walk the talk". When we are determined to transform our life, we have to watch what we say (including our thoughts), and be accountable, walk the walk.