Introduction to Meridian Qigong 1-2:30pmEST.
May 15th, 2022.
1:00pm to 2:30pm

Introduction to Meridian Qigong 1-2:30pmEST
Chinese discovered thousands of years ago that our body has energy channels what they called Meridians. There are twelve primary meridians and eight extraordinary vessels in the human body. Nature's rhythm influences the meridians flow and It is called the Zi Wu Liu Zhu, biological clock and also known as a time of day cycle. It is a law of resonance between man and nature discovered by ancient Chinese medicine sages. It is based on the overall concept of the unity of nature and man, and the concept of natural rhythm.

We modern people divide a day into 24 hours, while in ancient China people divide a day into 12 segments of time which they called “Shi Chen”, each “Shi Chen” has name and associated animal: Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, Hai. Each Shi Chen is equivalent to two hours length in modern times. The “Zi Wu" refers to the hour. Zi is the hour from 11pm to 1am, and “Wu” means “noon”, which means from 11am to 13pm. The words “Liu”, means “flow” refers to the state of changes in the movement of the body's qi and blood specifically refers to comparing the circulation of qi and blood in the twelve meridians of the human body. So, how does qi and blood flow in the meridians? The ancients believed that the flow was in the order of “well, ying, shu, jing, he” points.

This biological clock is an orderly connection of the rise and fall of the twelve meridians of a person in 24 hours, and through the matching relationship between the body’s internal organs and the twelve meridians. It predicts the qi and blood of a certain zang(Yin organ) fu(Yang organ) internal organs. The ups and downs of a certain hour are interlocking, and the treatment and health preservation are carried out according to the rise or decline of the qi and blood, so that the treatment and health preservation are more targeted, so as to achieve the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

“Zi Wu Liu Zhu”, means that the twelve meridians in the human body correspond to the twenty four hours of the day. As the time changes, the blood in different meridians also rises and falls at different times. Human beings are an integral part of nature, and their living habits should conform to the laws of nature. Modern time biology proves that human life phenomena and physiological activities have relatively stable time rhythms, including seasons, circadian rhythms and other rhythms.