Date & Time: Sunday, April 17th, 2022, 1-2:45pmEST FREE for the students who have been taking Lorelei's online courses for the past two years without missing any courses $35 (For currently registered students) $55 (For others) To register, please email Lorelei Chang at White Crane Qigong The White Crane Qigong is part of the whole White Crane system, which includes a martial arts system and both soft and hard White Crane Qigong. It was first developed by a woman named Fang, Qi Niang in the 17th Century A.D. She had learned a Crane style from her father who practiced that form which came from Shaolin Monastery. The legend has it that she observed cranes at the riverside and combined those moves with her father's Crane style to create White Crane. Lorelei learned the whole system with her dear friend, a Qigong teacher, John Platt. This beautiful form contains total 96 movements which combines with the movement of hands, wrists, torso, head, arms, legs and entire spine work. As you diving this practice, you become the white crane, the softness of whip movements of arms and spine bring you to the state of ease. What you will be learn from this workshop: -Fundamental practice set for White Crane created by Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming -Reverse abdominal breathing -Crane neck Gong -Waving the Fingers Gong -Side Spreading -Downward Dropping -Coiling Gong -Soothe the Lung Gong -Acupressure for healing brain Bonus -"Crane"dance performance by Lorelei Chang and Mai Nakanishi Acupressure points for healing brain Lorelei will be sharing 5-10 points for healing brain that she used on her husband for treating post stroke. *The program will be recorded if you cannot attend live session |